April 23, 2019

Automatically Converting Leads to Opportunity Contact Roles is the Missing Link to Supercharging Your Revenue

Brannan Matherson
Automatically Converting Leads to Opportunity Contact Roles is the Missing Link to Supercharging Your Revenue

Table of Contents

We're excited to announce that we’re rolling out two hot features that will make sales and marketing ops professionals that live and die in their CRMs, lose their minds; Automated Lead to Opportunity Contact Role (L2OCR).

Hot stuff right?

You might not think so out of the gate… but, give me a minute.

As someone who’s suffered from the pain of matching L2OCR, or rather the real world fact that sales reps simply aren’t:

  1. Creating contacts in the CRM,
  2. Converting leads to contacts, and
  3. Adding those to the correct opportunity in the CRM / Salesforce, your sales team is slowly turning your CRM’s data into garbage, and your marketing and sales efforts aren’t getting the credit they deserve.

While other companies might be boasting that they have “Lead Converters,” they’re only getting you half of the way there. Without AI-powered L2OCR, you’re still not solving the root of the problem. You’ll still have broken attribution reporting, inaccurate sales activity reporting, and duplicate records for the same person (just to name a few).

Let’s break this down even further into a real-world story, and talk about how People.ai is now going to fix your CRM problems.

Artificial Intelligence Picks up The CRM Slack

It’s a common story in the sales world.

Every day starts with the SDR team hammering the phones hundreds of times calling down inbounds and targeted lists of leads, as well as emailing targeted stakeholders.

After all, sales is a “contact sport.” SDR’s need to hit their “activity numbers” in order to be successful and book meetings. This is the primary reason they’re incentivized and coached to repeat and embody this behavior.

But, what about the dirty administrative work that’s essential to running the business, like logging their activities, converting leads to the correct contacts, or matching the leads they’re calling to contacts that are already actively involved in an opportunity (more on why I chose this as a pain point later)? When are they supposed to make time for that?

Fun fact. They aren’t.

To that point, a study of over 10,000 B2B sales employees found that "sales reps ranked identifying and qualifying their leads as 71% more important than internal sales reporting."  

Simply put, sales reps prioritize selling activities over CRM and reporting related activities.

As they should!

This leads to having a “dirty” CRM. So much so, that CRMs are becoming utterly useless to both sales leaders and marketing.

Furthermore, your company’s marketing campaigns aren’t getting the attribution and influence they deserve, and even more to the point, the SDR department isn’t getting the credit for influence for that closed one deal.  

So how can you keep your SDRs focused on the task at hand, while also ensuring that they’re properly converting leads in your CRM and matching them to the correct opportunity?

Let AI do it for them.

People.ai’s new Automated Lead Conversion, makes the painstaking standard lead conversion process a thing of the past.

Managing Leads in the CRM is Moving to The Background

Using People.ai’s Automated Lead to OCR Conversion, leads that are associated with an existing opportunity are matched using People.ai’s intelligent matching algorithm based on activity with other contacts on that opportunity. From there, the AI makes a determination that the lead should be converted to an opportunity contact role (OCR).

This new Automated Lead Conversion offers several initial benefits:

  1. Lets sales reps focus more time on selling and less time on data entry into the CRM
  2. Reduces the chance of creating duplicate records for the same person
  3. Contributes to marketing attribution by adding contacts to opportunities that have already been engaged with sales and included in marketing campaigns

What Our Customers Say About Automated Lead Conversion

"We saw immediate ROI using People.ai seeing a 10-20x increase in contact creation in our CRM every month," said Kaushik Patel - VP, Online Marketing & Marketing Operations at ThoughtSpot. "But we were still having challenges converting leads to contacts. After attempting to build a custom solution, we began using People.ai's AI-based lead conversion capabilities. As a result, we are significantly accelerating our pipeline growth and converting between 40-80 leads to contact creation every month."  

"This capability allows People.ai to continue on our mission to maintain Evergreen Contacts for our Customers," said Rajit Joseph, VP Product at People.ai. “And makes it simple and low-touch to convert leads at scale - based on customer activity data and intelligent matching."

Learn how AI powered Automated Lead Conversion can help supercharge your CRM and free up your sales team from manual data entry. Accelerate and grow your sales pipeline by scheduling a demo of People.ai today.

We're excited to announce that we’re rolling out two hot features that will make sales and marketing ops professionals that live and die in their CRMs, lose their minds; Automated Lead to Opportunity Contact Role (L2OCR).

Hot stuff right?

You might not think so out of the gate… but, give me a minute.

As someone who’s suffered from the pain of matching L2OCR, or rather the real world fact that sales reps simply aren’t:

  1. Creating contacts in the CRM,
  2. Converting leads to contacts, and
  3. Adding those to the correct opportunity in the CRM / Salesforce, your sales team is slowly turning your CRM’s data into garbage, and your marketing and sales efforts aren’t getting the credit they deserve.

While other companies might be boasting that they have “Lead Converters,” they’re only getting you half of the way there. Without AI-powered L2OCR, you’re still not solving the root of the problem. You’ll still have broken attribution reporting, inaccurate sales activity reporting, and duplicate records for the same person (just to name a few).

Let’s break this down even further into a real-world story, and talk about how People.ai is now going to fix your CRM problems.

Artificial Intelligence Picks up The CRM Slack

It’s a common story in the sales world.

Every day starts with the SDR team hammering the phones hundreds of times calling down inbounds and targeted lists of leads, as well as emailing targeted stakeholders.

After all, sales is a “contact sport.” SDR’s need to hit their “activity numbers” in order to be successful and book meetings. This is the primary reason they’re incentivized and coached to repeat and embody this behavior.

But, what about the dirty administrative work that’s essential to running the business, like logging their activities, converting leads to the correct contacts, or matching the leads they’re calling to contacts that are already actively involved in an opportunity (more on why I chose this as a pain point later)? When are they supposed to make time for that?

Fun fact. They aren’t.

To that point, a study of over 10,000 B2B sales employees found that "sales reps ranked identifying and qualifying their leads as 71% more important than internal sales reporting."  

Simply put, sales reps prioritize selling activities over CRM and reporting related activities.

As they should!

This leads to having a “dirty” CRM. So much so, that CRMs are becoming utterly useless to both sales leaders and marketing.

Furthermore, your company’s marketing campaigns aren’t getting the attribution and influence they deserve, and even more to the point, the SDR department isn’t getting the credit for influence for that closed one deal.  

So how can you keep your SDRs focused on the task at hand, while also ensuring that they’re properly converting leads in your CRM and matching them to the correct opportunity?

Let AI do it for them.

People.ai’s new Automated Lead Conversion, makes the painstaking standard lead conversion process a thing of the past.

Managing Leads in the CRM is Moving to The Background

Using People.ai’s Automated Lead to OCR Conversion, leads that are associated with an existing opportunity are matched using People.ai’s intelligent matching algorithm based on activity with other contacts on that opportunity. From there, the AI makes a determination that the lead should be converted to an opportunity contact role (OCR).

This new Automated Lead Conversion offers several initial benefits:

  1. Lets sales reps focus more time on selling and less time on data entry into the CRM
  2. Reduces the chance of creating duplicate records for the same person
  3. Contributes to marketing attribution by adding contacts to opportunities that have already been engaged with sales and included in marketing campaigns

What Our Customers Say About Automated Lead Conversion

"We saw immediate ROI using People.ai seeing a 10-20x increase in contact creation in our CRM every month," said Kaushik Patel - VP, Online Marketing & Marketing Operations at ThoughtSpot. "But we were still having challenges converting leads to contacts. After attempting to build a custom solution, we began using People.ai's AI-based lead conversion capabilities. As a result, we are significantly accelerating our pipeline growth and converting between 40-80 leads to contact creation every month."  

"This capability allows People.ai to continue on our mission to maintain Evergreen Contacts for our Customers," said Rajit Joseph, VP Product at People.ai. “And makes it simple and low-touch to convert leads at scale - based on customer activity data and intelligent matching."

Learn how AI powered Automated Lead Conversion can help supercharge your CRM and free up your sales team from manual data entry. Accelerate and grow your sales pipeline by scheduling a demo of People.ai today.

Learn all of the ways People.ai can  drive revenue growth for your business